
Guess who’ll be at Bersih 4

In April this year, Paul Low, Minister for Integrity, told The Malaysian Insider that the issue of money politics is one of the biggest challenges he has to tackle.

Paul reminded everyone that in GE12 and GE13, voters considered corruption a key issue. He said no individual should be allowed to receive political funding and that funds must instead go to parties, to assure accountability

Paul didn’t mention 1MDB, but he’ll probably agree with me that 1MDB is just another scandal in a chain which includes Tinju Dunia, Bank Bumiputra Finance, tin price speculation, currency speculation, Perwaja steel, PKFZ, Malaysia Airlines and so on.

Paul spoke to The Malaysian Insider three months before the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) alleged that RM2.6 billion was paid into Najib’s personal account prior to GE13.

One month has passed since the WSJ made the allegation. No one has denied that the money went into Najib Razak’s personal account.

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency (MACC) is alleged to have said the money is a “mere” donation. I say “alleged to have said” because after reviewing the statement on the MACC’s website I am not convinced it was approved by Tan Sri Abu Kassim, Chief Commissioner of the MACC.

The MACC, Bank Negara, the police and the Attorney Generals Chambers have not said where the money came from. Neither have they said where it was transferred to.

Umno propagandists ranging from newly minted minister Azalina through to newly minted propaganda chief Rahman Dahlan and the mercenary Khairy Jamaludin – all of whom are members of the Cabinet – have claimed the money which went into the Prime Ministers account was “donations” for Umno.

Despite their claims, MACC HAS NOT said the money was “donations for Umno.” Indeed, it appears Abu Kassim has not said a single word about the RM2.6 billion.

I am alarmed by the silence of Abu Kassim. I find it incredible that he hasn’t stood up to speak for the MACC at a time when those associated with MACC are being harassed, investigated and detained by the police.

What kind of leader would abandon his people when they are being assailed? (The same can be said about the erstwhile Attorney General, Tan Sri Gani Patail).

I cannot think of MACC without thinking of the needless death of Teoh Beng Hock.

Therefore, sympathy for the MACC does not come naturally for me. Yet, I am concerned about Abu Kassim and others in MACC.

My concern is exacerbated by reports that yesterday MACC called its Muslim members to gather and ask Allah to assure a good future for MACC officers and their families; to keep them from corruption, and to make them successful in eliminating corruption.

Their prayer session reminded me of how people become godly on their deathbeds.

What’s the future of MACC? What’s dying in MACC? Is it the last shreds of integrity?

The MACC and the government of Malaysia are now the subjects of uniform, unabated derision.

MACC is derided because of the statement it allegedly issued. The statement is so poorly constructed that it is clear Abu Kassim did not approve it – those of us who have met him know he would never have let it pass.

The Cabinet is derided because the 2.6 billion is claimed to have been for Umno, despite the fact that there is every reason to believe Umno Supreme Council members did not know anything about it until Sarawak Report and the WSJ reported it.

The pronouncements of the Cabinet members about the RM2.6 billion show the government has no intention of addressing corruption in the nation, and every intention of treating the people as idiots.

Only idiotic citizens would believe anyone would give RM2.6 billion to the Prime Minister without expecting something in return.

Only idiotic businessmen would think brushing off of the RM2.6 billion is not an encouragement to buy favours from the government.

The nation is now divided between those who agree the RM2.6 billion transaction is a wrongdoing, and those who disagree; between those who agree institutional reforms are needed and those who don’t; between those who will stand up for integrity and those who won’t.

Bersih 4 has been announced. It’s a rally of the people in Kuala Lumpur, Kuching and Kota Kinabalu, beginning at 2 pm on 29 August. At Bersih 4 we can vote with our feet for integrity and institutional reform in our nation. I guess many children and relatives of officers of MACC and the AG’s Chambers will attend. – August 6, 2015

* This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malaysian Insider.


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