
The Utusan guide to Malay-Chinese relations

Who are the Malays and the Chinese?

The special ones and the not-so-special ones.

How many different groups are there within the Chinese community?

The Chinese can only be divided into two groups: those who are grateful (“bersyukur”) that we give them citizenship, and those who are not.

Chinese who are not pleased with the ruling party

These are all Cina DAP. They have been taken for a ride by the opposition who is constantly inciting seditious hatred.

Chinese who side with the ruling party

These are the true Chinese which we need to inculcate and encourage.

Malays who are not pleased with the ruling party

Apa lah nak jadi. Melayu dipergunakan dan mengkhianati bangsa sendiri. Melayu gaduh sama gaduh, Cina tepuk tangan. Ayuh, bersatulah Melayu!

Malays who side with the ruling party

These are proud Malays and the true champions of the Malay race and we will give them their due coverage, 24/7, 365. We will make sure their views are heard and indoctrinated throughout the nation, everyday, everywhere.

When Chinese don’t turn up for street protests

See, these ultra kiasu never really bothered about the nation and politics. As long as they are making money and the economy is good, they don’t care about politics. Yang tengah bising dan dihasut untuk turun jalanraya hanyalah orang Melayu. Sedarlah kaum Melayu, golongan Cina tidak pernah dan tidak akan mengorbankan masa atau kepentingan dirinya untuk negara. Hanya Melayu sahaja dihasut untuk buat kerja yang susah sementara mereka (Cina) hidup senang dikelilingi air-con.

When Chinese do turn up for street protests

Cina DAP mendominasi Bersih 4. The Chinese are taking over the country. Apa lagi selepas ini? Adakah Cina mahu menguasai negara kita?? Mari berkumpul demi maruah Melayu!

When Chinese help make it easier for Malays to pray (provide water for wudhu, form a barrier so that Muslims can pray without being disturbed by crowd etc)

Be wary, fellow Malays. They are trying to gain sympathy and appear to be nice to us, when in fact they have been insulting our religion for the longest time!

When two Chinese ladies step on a poster bearing the faces of certain Malay politicians

Kurang ajar! The Chinese have become so arrogant that they are publicly insulting our (Malay) leaders. We must not tolerate this behaviour!

When a group of Malay ultras burns effigies of certain Chinese politicians

This is proof that Malays will no longer be silent after constant provocation from these politicians. The government should take action against those politicians who provoke the Malays before things get out of hand. Kesabaran Melayu ada terhadnya.

When Malays wish their non-Malay friends Merry Christmas and Happy Chinese New Year

Get someone with the title of ustaz/ulama to say it is inappropriate and un-Islamic to say Merry Christmas or Happy Chinese New Year. Throw in a statement or two saying that by uttering these words, Muslims risk becoming munafik. Ignore all ustaz/ulama who say otherwise.

How to make a story out of a few rich Chinese businessmen

The Chinese community is becoming richer and richer, whereas the Malays are still struggling to pay bills and basic necessities. Malays are squeezed left and right. We must intensifies pro-Malay programmes, initiatives, and subsidies.

How to make a story out of a few rich Malay businessmen

These are the products of the government’s initiatives. This is proof that our affirmative action is a success. It is sad to see some of these rich Malays, who have their success due to the government’s help, turn into an ungrateful bunch who fund the opposition. It’s truly a case of “biting the hands that feed”.

A Malay driver hits a Chinese pedestrian

Why must we be apologetic? Why is the action against the Malay driver taken so quickly, but when Chinese drivers hit Malays, the authority is so slow in taking action. We know the Chinese have much money and control over our politicians… tapi sampai bila Melayu rela ditekan??

When a Chinese is accused of cheating Malay customers

This is a part of a larger problem. This incident is a symbolic of the perpetuated exploitation of innocent Malays by greedy ultra kiasu. Puak ultra kiasu semakin berani dan lantang mencabar, malah menghina, orang Melayu dan agama Islam!

When a Malay is accused of cheating Chinese customers

(No coverage or explicit mention of the race involved)

When nothing bad happens in Bersih

(Take credit for “I told you it’s Chinese-dominated” [after spreading intensive propaganda, warnings and circulations among the civil service and local universities, the majority of whom are made up of Malays, telling them not to attend the rally or face severe consequences])

When Low Taek Jho and Datuk Seri Najib Razak make dubious deals about 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB)

See, Chinese businessman cheats us again! Our innocent leaders are exploited by this greedy Chinese community.

On the lack of unity in Malaysia

The existence of vernacular schools is perpetuating the ethnic divide. Race-based schools are a hindrance to national unity. How can you send our Malaysian kids to schools where 90% of them are made up of just one race? We need to expose them to different cultures, learn a common language and let them interact with each other.

On MRSM, SBP, sekolah agama, matriculation and UiTM

These all-Malay or 90%-Malay schools and universities are proof that the government is committed to defending and elevating the interests of the Malay community. Those who dare to suggest opening up these schools and universities to non-Malays are either chauvinistic racists or traitors to their own race.

On saving and bailing out 1MDB

The government needs to step in to prevent geopolitical forces from interfering in our country’s affairs. Do you want the Jews and George Soros to take over our national assets when 1MDB fails? Nothing less than our national sovereignty is at stake and we should all rally behind 1MDB and the prime minister to protect our nation.

On old and new politics

Umno is the only protector of the Malays. Jika Umno kuat, Melayu hebat. Jika Umno lemah, Melayu tergugat. Race-based politics is a fact of life in Malaysia and must be preserved. Otherwise, all hell breaks loose. Jangan lupa pengajaran Mei 13... – September 5, 2015.

* This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malaysian Insider.


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